Tuesday, March 6, 2012

30 today......

Today I turn 30. I know that’s not old but it does seem like the other day I was 20 and had just met my husband. In honour of turning the big three-o… here are 30 things I’m thankful for and blessed by in my life (in no particular order…..).

  1. My health – I’ve never broken a bone and have been blessed with good health.
  2. My family – my parents, siblings, grandparents and my truck loads of nieces and nephews. I also have amazing in-laws too.
  3. Living in a country with a great health system.
  4. My husband and our eight years of marriage.
  5. My children.
  6. That I have travelled – China, Hong Kong, England and most of Australia.
  7. I was blessed to have my great grandmother in my life for 25 years. She was an inspirational woman.
  8. Living in Queensland where winter isn’t even that cold.
  9. Growing up in a home where love was unconditional, friends were always welcome.
  10. A reliable car.
  11. A safe, comfortable home. It’s my workplace, home and a great place to raise our family.
  12. There is food in our pantry and fridge.
  13. Clean drinking water
  14. That I am fortunate enough to stay at home to be a domestic queen.
  15. My life has been blessed with great friends – near and far, old and new.
  16. Slogging it out to finish my teaching degree. So many times I wanted to give up.
  17. God in my life. He is always with me.
  18. The 34 years of marriage my parents have had. What role models.
  19.  A good soak in the bath tub…. Even though it’s not that comfortable at the moment due to being 34 weeks pregnant
  20. Being 34 weeks pregnant.
  21. A good nights sleep.
  22.  I still get really excited about birthdays. My school friends will probably remember the count downs LOL.
  23. Random kindness from people, like those nice people at the check out who let you go first because you only have 3 litres of milk.
  24. Delicious food that I didn’t have to cook.
  25. Time. To enjoy my family. To be with friends. To sew. To myself. To sit. To ponder.
  26. Pretty nail polish.
  27. Baking. Last night I used my new Kitchen Aid mixer to bake brownies with choc chips and marshmallows in it (none for me!!)
  28. The joy of the sense of completion.
  29.  My fantastic mothers group.
  30.  Getting a great car park.

That’s it. What are you thankful for?

I’m hoping to eat some Chinese dumplings sometime over my birthday. We had an amazing vintage tea party for me on Saturday, so I’m not expecting a huge shebang on my actual birthday!

Have a great day! Next blog will have photos.... I promise!!


  1. I'm thankful for great tradies, and good friends who feed us and let us use their showers while our bathroom is being constructed. Also when the reno's are all over, I'll ditto your #19 & #21. :)

  2. Oh I love this idea about 30 things to be thankful for!
    You have a very blessed life. Xx
